The Barrier Removal to the Cost-Effective Development and Implementation of Energy Efficiency Standards and Labeling (BRESL) project is an international co-operation project, which is sponsored by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Global Environment Facility (GEF). The BRESL project is a 5 years project with GEF US$7.8M funding. The Participating Countries are Bangladesh, China, Indonesia, Pakistan, Thailand and Vietnam. The Target Products include Refrigerators, Room air conditioners, Electric motors, Ballasts for FTLs, Electric fans, Compact fluorescent lamps and Rice cookers.
The BRESL project is aimed at rapidly accelerating the adoption and implementation of energy standards and labels (ES&L) program in Asia, the project also facilitates harmonization of test procedures, standards and labels among developing countries in Asia, when appropriate. BRESL will facilitate the transformation of the manufacture and sale of energy-efficient appliances and equipment. The BRESL consists of two levels activities:
- A regional initiative in Asia. The project will enhance the regional cooperation/ multi-recognize and sharing the best practices of energy efficiency standard and labeling (EESL).
- National technical assistance to 6 developing countries in Asia. The project will focus on capacity building, and will develop and implement country-specific strategies and activities for energy efficiency standard and labeling (EESL) to overcome the barriers of reducing the energy consumption within each national context.
2. Project Components
BERSL project is comprised of five major components:
- ES&L Policy-Making Program: Establishment of legal basis for standards and labels and assisting with the development of regulations for the targeted products.
- ES&L Capacity Building Program: Building of institutional and individual capacity to secure on-the-ground implementation of standards and labels, including establishment of regional working groups for each of the targeted products.
- ES&L Manufacturer Support Program: Information and technical assistance for local product manufacturers to help them develop efficient products and realize profit opportunities from efficient products.
- ES&L Regional Cooperation Program: Regional cooperation activities that will aid individual countries with development and implementation of their ES&L programs and that will take important steps towards regional harmonization of standards and labels.