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Cooperation Talks among CQM, Green Council and Fugro held in Beijing

  After formally signed the Tripartite Cooperation Agreement in July, 2012, Ms. Linda W.P.Ho, the Chief Exective Officer from Green Council, and Mr. Joseph T L Poon, the General Manager and Mr. Arthur H.K. Cheng, the Deputy General Manager from Fugro, visit at CQM on Aug. 24th, 2012 to discuss on the cooperative plan and process among three parties for the next step.

  On this meeting, three parties talked about the cooperative processes on product certification, and introduced the basic information of inspectors and signed laboratories and the charging standard for product certification for each party respectively, which made the good foundation for the coming deep cooperation on promotion, implementation of certification and collection of fees for each other.
In the afternoon, Ms. Linda gave the initial training on HKGLS (Hong Kong Green Label Scheme) to CQM for nearly three hours, the relevant personnel from Marketing Department, Certification

  Department and Technology department took part in this traing. Through the training, the participants had the general understanding for HKGLS, which contributes to the future promotion.
Based on the principles of combination of each party’s superior resources and extension of product certification business in the areas involved with mainland, Hongkong and Macao, the tripartite cooperation among CQM, Green Council and Fugro establishes the platform for sharing the top resources and marketing network.


Green Council (GC), is a non-profit, non-partisan environmental association of Hong Kong, one of the members of GEN (Global Ecolabelling Network). The core business involves with HKGLS (Hongkong Green Label Scheme), Eco-product Certification Scheme and Hong Kong Green Awards. Please loggin at for more details.
Fugro Certification Services Ltd. (FCS), is the accredited certification operation of the Fugro Group. FCS provides an impartial and independent assessment and certification service in compliance with requirements of international accreditation bodies. Please loggin at for more details.


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