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  CQM participated in 2015 World Conference on Quality and Improvement (WCQI) this May. WCQI was held in May 4th-6th, in Nashville TN,USA,is regarded as one of the most important quality conference in the world. ASQ (American Society for Quality) hosted WCQI each year. ASQ is a global community of people dedicated to quality who share the ideas and tools that make our world work better. This year, theme of WCQI is "Transforming the World through Innovation, Inspiration, and Leadership".

  There are more than 100 sessions and workshops. Each session will present real-life applications, solutions, and results based on quality principles.
  Concurrent Session: These 60-minute sessions are meant to present real applications, results, and solutions based on quality principles or theory that can be implemented immediately.
  Workshop: Workshops lead participants from an identified beginning point through a logical and clearly identified end point with the expansion of the related body of knowledge and include hands-on learning activities that demonstrate and reinforce the concepts presented.
  Flip Session: These interactive sessions are designed to provide a NEW method to learn and understand how the tools, techniques, and approaches can be applied to individual work setting with a flipped approach to the session. To participate, attendees view the session presentation online before the conference and then do all the hands-on activities, exercises, and Q&A during the conference session time.
  After 5 Session:  These exciting and innovative sessions add to the level of interaction between the facilitator and the participants, as well as the participants and their peers.

  WCQI participants discussed following focus areas.

  ●Leveraging quality to develop creative solutions for the future
  ●The intersection of quality and creativity
  ●Creating an environment to foster innovative thinking
  ●Tools for helping participants think outside the box on how they approach innovation

  ●Creating/Sustaining a culture of quality
  ●Quality professional development
  ●Driving quality

  Risk and Change
  ●The risk of change
  ●Change and the culture of quality
  ●Strategy and intelligent risk
  ●Risk mitigation

  Practical Application of Quality Tools, Techniques, and Methodologies
  ●Tips, tricks, and secrets
  ●Quality fundamentals
  ●Application in nontraditional settings

  The Future of Quality
  ●Future opportunities for the quality profession in the 21st century
  ●Globalization and the quality industry
  ●Opportunities for new and unique applications of quality principles, tools, and techniques

  The conference offers multiple networking opportunities for connecting with other attendees, sponsors, and exhibitors during daily refreshment and meal breaks, as well as the following events: Networking Reception, Conference Kickoff, Conference Opening Reception, and Exhibit Hall Extravaganza. By participating this conference, we get to know other peers and accumulated valuable experiences.



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